Specialty 1
How to Diagnose and Manage a Psychiatry Patient

In this specialty, you'll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Psychiatric conditions and how you as a nurse can add significant value to your patient suffering from a mental health challenge.

Practicum 1: Addictions and Substance Abuse
Practicum 2: Anxiety Disorders
Practicum 3: Depressed Mood
Practicum 4: Psychosis
Practicum 5: Anorexia Nervosa
Practicum 6: Mania/Hpomania
Practicum 7: Suicidal Behaviour

Specialty 2
How to Diagnose and Manage Primary Care and Community Health Issues

In this specialty, you'll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common conditions that present in the primary care setting, and how you as a nurse can add significant value to your patient suffering from primary care conditions

Practicum 1: Breast Lump
Practicum 2: Acute Visual Loss
Practicum 3: Ear Pain
Practicum 4: Breast Discharge
Practicum 5: Tinnitus
Practicum 6: Red Eye
Practicum 7: Hearing Loss

Specialty 3
How to Diagnose and Manage Patients in the Neurology Clinic

In this specialty, you'll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common problems that present in the Neurology clinic, and how you as a nurse can add significant value to your patient suffering from these conditions

Practicum 1: Dementia
Practicum 2: Headache
Practicum 3: Numbness and Tingling
Practicum 4: Weakness and Paralysis
Practicum 5: Low Back Pain
Practicum 6: Epilepsy
Practicum 7: Parkinson's Disease

Specialty 4
How to Diagnose and Manage Patients in the GI Clinic

In this specialty, you'll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common conditions that present in the Gastroenterology Clinic, and how you as a nurse can add significant value to your patient suffering from common GI conditions

Practicum 1: Dysphagia
Practicum 2: Nausea and Vomiting
Practicum 3: Acute Abdominal Pain
Practicum 4: Chronic Abdominal Pain
Practicum 5: Lower GI Bleed
Practicum 6: Acute Diarrhea
Practicum 7: Constipation

Specialty 5
How to Diagnose and Manage Internal Medicine Patients

In this specialty, you'll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Internal Medicine conditions, and how you as a nurse can add significant value to your patient suffering from these common conditions

Practicum 1: Hypertension
Practicum 2: Diabetes
Practicum 3: Anemia
Practicum 4: Joint Pain
Practicum 5: Obesity
Practicum 6: Acute Renal Failure
Practicum 7: Hematuria

Specialty 6
How to Diagnose and Manage Patients with Women's Health Issues

In this specialty, you'll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Women's Health Issues, and how you as a nurse can add significant value to your patient suffering from these common conditions

Practicum 1: Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
Practicum 2: Contraception
Practicum 3: Dysmenorrhea
Practicum 4: Menopause
Practicum 5: Pelvic Pain
Practicum 6: Vaginal Discharge

Specialty 7
How to Diagnose and Manage Cardiology Patients

In this specialty, you'll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Cardiology conditions, and how you as a nurse can add significant value to your patient suffering from these common conditions

Practicum 1: Cardiac Arrest
Practicum 2: Chest Pain
Practicum 3: Palpitations
Practicum 4: Lipid Abnormalities
Practicum 5: Hypertension
Practicum 6: Abnormal Heart Sounds


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